
Office of Risk Management
Prohibited Activities
The following is a list of activities that has been prohibited to be done on University premises unless otherwise noted. This is not a complete list of activities not permitted and the University reserves the right to restrict activities being held on its premises at any time. Any high risk activities not in this manual should be forwarded to Risk Management for review.
- Renting any amusement rides (including inflatables) without the Vendor setting up, operating and supervising the rides.
- Arrow tag
- Indoor paint party (Dayglow type event)
- City Slide event (or similar)
- Bungee Run (inflatable with individuals running/racing and then being yanked back by bungee cord on harness)
- Floating lanterns
- Foam Dance Part
- Giant Inflatable Ball- Any activity involving an inflatable ball that an individual has to climb fully inside is strictly prohibited to be used on University premises or for any University sponsored event.
- Homemade lotions, make-up, hair products or other personal care items are not permitted to be used, distributed or sold as part of a program or activity on University premises.
- Horseback Riding or Pony Rides (on University premises)
- Oxygen Bar
- Paintball (on University premises)
- Red Bull Flugtag homemade flying machine or similar activities
- Permanent Tattoos and Henna application (Note: Temporary Tattoos can be permitted as long as the Vendor is on the Entertainment Vendor is on Entertainment Vendor List, Vendor supplies non-toxic paint Safety Data Sheets or Material Safety Data Sheets for review [EHS will review by request] and Vendor applies temporary tattoos, however temporary tattoo aerosol application to face is prohibited in all cases.)
- Skydiving- not permitted to be done by the University or any Recognized Student Organization either on or off campus due to the high risk nature of the event.
- Skydiving Simulator (i.e. Xtreme Air)
- Slip and Slides are prohibited unless provided by contracted Entertainment Vendor with required insurance.
- Stunt Jump (jumping from an elevated platform onto an inflatable cushion)
- Velcro Wall (inflatable)
IMPORTANT- The following Entertainment Vendors are prohibited from doing any business whatsoever with Penn State:
- The Smith Agency out of Grand Rapids, Michigan has been permanently prohibited (includes all events regardless of insurance requirements).